Integral coaching

Coaching is a process in which a person in the role of a coach supports and teaches the client to achieve certain desired, personal or professional, goals, providing him with advice and guidance.

Unlike psychotherapy that’s based on work with awareness of unconscious processes in the client, coaching focuses on strengthening the client’s power, so that client could realize their potential in various fields of life.

Ken Wilber’s Integral metatheory, is based on a synthesis of all known paradigms and views of reality. Presented as a “theory of everything” it’s trying to integrate all levels of reality (matter, body, mind, soul and spirit) through intentional, behavioral, cultural and social aspects, without neglecting or favoring only one of them.

Integral Coaching is not based on any theoretical model, which is based on only one perspective, but the metamodel that includes all perspectives. The complexity of this approach allows the work to be better adapted to the needs of client. The goal of integral coaching is development of capacities for business, personal and partner relationships, as well as development of capacities for perception of large number of perspectives, through the understanding of different typologies, levels of development and states of consciousness.

Integral coaching